Alumnivereniging Lulofs Alumni association for Physical Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Amsterdam
Newsletter - January 2021


Dear Lulofs members,

Unfortunately, the Spring Symposium 2020 was cancelled and due to the second lockdown the Lulofs board decided to follow the trend of online meetings. Although I am happy to announce our first Lulofs webinar, I first want to dwell on some serious thoughts. An important part of the Spring Symposium 2020 should have been the presentation of the book “Reading the soil archives; unravelling the geoecological code of palaeosols and sediment cores”.

It is sad to realize that a festive meeting is difficult because one of the editors and former Lulofs chair, Jan van Mourik, passed away recently. During the period in which Jan transferred the activities concerning Lulofs I was impressed by his perseverance. I am sure he would encourage for all Lulofs activities to continue within the possibilities of the Corona measures. 

The Lulofs Webinars will be a sequence of short meetings every 3 – 6 weeks in the late afternoon. The aim of these webinars is very similar to the aim of the symposia. Presenting new developments in the broad field of physical geography, exchange of professional experiences and catching up with your former fellow students. I am looking forward to meet you at the first Lulofs webinar and hope that technical obstacles will not obstruct your participation. Look at the benefits, now you are able to attend interesting presentations and meet Physical Geographers, Earth Scientists and Future Planet Scientists from your armchair!

On behalf of the board,

Dan Assendorp, Lulofs chair

11 February: the first Lulofs Webinar of 2021

We would like to invite you to the first of our online webinar series of this year, taking place on Thursday February 11 from 16:00-17:00 via Microsoft Teams. Two talks are lined up:

Dan Assendorp (Hogeschool van Hall Larenstein and chair of Lulofs board) will tell us about The concept “DNA of the Landscape” used in describing and valuing landscape heritage.

Inge Wiekenkamp (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) will give a presentation on Measuring and modelling invisible fluxes - from the catchment to the regional scale. 

Afterwards,  there will be the opportunity to meet each other for a digital drink/ catch-up in the online Lulofs room!

If you plan to join the webinar, please register via this link, so we can send you the Teams invite and a link to the room.

We hope to see you all on our screens Thursday the 11th of February!

Register here: webinar on 11th of February

New website for Lulofs

During the holiday break, we have started migrating our online content to a new webhost and re-designed the website from the ground up. will remain the domain and our email is still There is one major change for our (new) members to consider.

We now provide you the ability to simply update your email address and other contact details by clicking the link below. You can also unsubscribe from our membership/ email list by following the same link.

Please reach out if you have difficulties with changing your details.

Please update your contact details

We bieden nu onze leden de gelegenheid om hun contactgegevens zelf aan te passen via de bovenstaande 'Please update your contact details' link.  Via deze link kun je ook je lidmaatschap opzeggen en je daarmee van de mailinglijst halen. Mochten er onduidelijkheden zijn, e-mail ons en we helpen graag.

You receive this mail, because you either studied Physical Geography or Earth Sciences or worked at the University of Amsterdam, and we think you would like to keep up with the activities and news items of alumni association Lulofs. If you do not wish to receive these mails, please modify your subscription

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Alumnivereniging Lulofs - Secretariaat IBED, Science Park 904, 1098XH Amsterdam
© Lulofs 2021
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