Alumnivereniging Lulofs is the alumni association for Physical Geographers and Earth Scientist from the University of Amsterdam. Named after the Dutch mathematician, hydraulic engineer, astronomer and philosopher Johan Lulofs (1711 – 1768). He was responsible for laying the groundworks for the precursor of the Dutch Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat). More about his background can be read in the page on Johannes Lulofs (Dutch).

On the 9th of October 1945, the study association Lulofs was founded at the University of Amsterdam. From the 17th of November 1992, Lulofs was turned into the alumni association and GAOS (Geografische Activiteiten en Onderwijs voor Studenten) was founded as the study association for the Bachelor Aardwetenschappen and Master Earth Sciences. Since the accreditation of the Bachelor Future Planet Studies (with the termination of the BSc Aardwetenschappen now offering ‘Earth Sciences’ as a specialisation), both GAOS and Lulofs also offer memberships to BSc graduates of this study, to enable fellow students and alumni to stay in touch.