Lulofs Webinar series 2021:

On 11th of February, 2021, we had our first online webinar with two interesting talks:
Inge Wiekenkamp (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) gave a presentation on Measuring and modelling invisible fluxes – from the catchment to the regional scale.
Dan Assendorp (Hogeschool van Hall Larenstein and chair of Lulofs board) told us about The concept “DNA of the Landscape” used in describing and valuing landscape heritage.

Our second webinar on the 25th of March included presentations from:
Anja Verbers (Landschapsbeheer Drenthe) gave a presentation on Geoheritage in Research and Practice – Aardkundig erfgoed, onderzoek en praktijk
Jaap J.M. van der Meer (Prof. Emer. Physical Geography, Queen Mary, University of London) delivered a talk on Jan M. van Mourik, Soil archives in the Pleistocene sandbox. Heath, driftsands and plaggic Anthrosols

In the third webinar of 2021 we were treated with two more engaging talks:
Sietze Norder (Postdoc Universiteit Leiden) gave a presentation related to his recently published book De wereld in het klein about islands and human-environment interactions.
Mat de Jong (Surface and Subsurface Resources & Research Foundation for Alpine and Subalpine Environments) talked about “Geomorphological mapping – a voice from the past? “
Pre-2020 events:
- March 25, 2019: Spring symposium 2019 – “Ontwikkelingen binnen het Bosonderzoek”
- November 16, 2017: 5e Lulofs lustrum
- March 22, 2016: Spring symposium 2016
- March 24, 2015: Spring symposium 2015, including first Johan Lulofs medal
- March 13, 2014: Spring symposium 2014
- March 19, 2013: Spring symposium and drinks 2013
- October 2, 2009: Symposium “De Levende Aarde”
- October 30, 2008: Reunion